Tag: Computer models

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Introducing: Dr Oscar Maiques

20th June 2024

Welcome to our newest group leader, Dr Oscar Maiques.

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Introducing: Dr Vivek Singh

22nd January 2024

Dr Vivek Singh will be researching innovative AI approaches to medical data analysis.

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Dr Mirjana Efremova awarded £1m Cancer Research UK grant to decode bowel cancer’s plastic nature

14th December 2023

Congratulations to Dr Mirjana Efremova who has been awarded a £1m grant to use cutting-edge computational tools to study how bowel cancer adapts.

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New tool predicts risk of skin cancer spread more accurately than human inspection

12th October 2023

These results could aid the treatment of individuals most at risk of aggressive skin cancer.

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Coming together to tackle pancreatic cancer – The London Pancreas Workshop

29th June 2023

Experts in the field converged to discuss the latest advances in pancreatic cancer

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Researchers shed light on the mystery of liver cells’ origins

30th May 2023

Understanding how new liver cells are created could inform how and why cell growth spirals out of control in cancer

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