Posted on 12th April 2019 by bwarman

HPV and cervical screening

The American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) has awarded their prize for the Best Overall Scientific Abstract 2019 to Professor Jack Cuzick, Director, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine and Head, Centre for Cancer Prevention, and his co-authors.

The abstract was entitled “Comparison of HPV Positivity and Viral Load in Self-Collected Vaginal Samples and Urine Using Four Collection Devices.” The study set out to compare the positivity rates and viral loads of human papillomavirus (HPV) in self-collected vaginal samples and urine samples. Each year in the UK, 3,100 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer, and virtually all of these cases are caused by HPV infection. Currently, routine cervical screening is conducted in the clinic with the purpose of identifying abnormal cells. However, next year the UK will introduce HPV testing as the primary cervical screening method. Although HPV testing will initially be conducted on samples collected by a medical professional, there is much interest in conducting these tests on self-collected samples in the future. Therefore, this study evaluated the efficacy of four different collection devices and a urine sample in 600 women who had been referred for a colposcopy following the identification of abnormal cells within the cervix.

To build upon this work, the researchers endeavour to conduct a study to compare self-collected samples with clinically-collected samples from the same women when they attend a routine smear test in order to determine whether self-collected samples can yield the same results as those collected within the clinic.

There was significant competition for the award, and the abstract was selected as the Best Overall Scientific Abstract from over 160 submissions by the ASCCP2019 Annual Scientific Meeting Program Co-Chairs, Drs Colleen Stockdale and Lisa Flowers. Professor Cuzick presented the paper on 6th April in Atlanta, Georgia. The award, worth $500, given for the best overall scientific abstract dedicated to the prevention and treatment of anogenital and HPV-related diseases, was presented at the meeting on 7th April.

View the full abstract here.

Category: General News, Grants & Awards

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