Posted on 8th July 2019 by bwarman

Prof Balkwill represents European researchers at World Economic Forum in China

Professor Fran Balkwill, Lead for the Centre for Cancer & Inflammation, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, was selected as a high-level delegation to the World Economic Forum in Dalian, China, last week to discuss her work in cancer research.

As one of three researchers selected by the European Research Council (ERC) to attend, she participated in presentations, panel discussions and press conferences on the topic of ‘Tackling cancer from within – new perspectives’.

Prof Balkwill speaking to guests at World Economic Forum.
Prof Balkwill speaking to guests at World Economic Forum.
Prof Balkwill with ERC delegates in front of artist's wall.
Prof Balkwill with ERC delegates in front of artist's wall.

Professor Balkwill said:

It was a huge honour to be selected by the ERC to go to World Economic Forum, and an amazing experience in so many ways. I met some really fascinating people from many different disciplines and learnt about things way outside my comfort zone. I’m also hoping that this leads to new collaborations with my ERC co-presenters.

In 2012, Professor Balkwill was awarded €2.43m by the ERC for ‘CANBUILD’, a five year project on cancer cell research by using bioengineering techniques to grow the first complex 3D human 'tumour microenvironment' in the laboratory for ovarian cancer.

More information
  • Watch Professor Balkwill's PetchaKucha session from the World Economic Forum here.
  • Read Professor Balkwill’s blog on inflammation and cancer, which was published on the World Economic Forum website.

Category: Conferences, Events, General News


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