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New insight into how a faulty protein drives lung cancer gives clues to why some therapies fail

15th June 2023

The findings could help explain why cancer drugs that target the molecule MET work for some people but not others.

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Researchers shed light on the mystery of liver cells’ origins

30th May 2023

Understanding how new liver cells are created could inform how and why cell growth spirals out of control in cancer

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Skin cancer rewires its energy systems to spread more efficiently

22nd May 2023

Melanoma cells rewire their mitochondria, but reversing this could make tumour cells less invasive.

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Scientists uncover a promising strategy to combat leukaemia resistance

18th May 2023

Research reveals a vulnerability in leukaemia cells that causes them to fill with toxic fatty acids

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Ovarian cancer’s protective barrier: how the tumour matrix teaches cells to disarm immune attack

15th May 2023

The results suggest new strategies to overcome the cancer’s defences and treat patients more effectively

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Welcoming Professor Francesca Ciccarelli to the BCI

24th April 2023

Professor Francesca Ciccarelli will be joining Barts Cancer Institute to lead our Centre for Cancer Genomics & Computational Biology.

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